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*Class times are available on the next page

kids martial arts

age 5-7

Stripe Belts Class is for children ages 5-7. This class teaches respect, focus, and self-discipline to children with a simplified striped belt system. Our children's martial arts classes in San Jose teach important life skills like listening, eye-contact, goal setting, and coordination. Once a Striper Kid completes the system, they move into the color belt class.

Stripe Belts

Youth martial arts

Ages 8+

Color Belt classes are for kids and teens ages 8 years and older. Students in our kid's martial arts classes learn perseverance, teamwork, self-discipline, accountability, and other skills they can use off the mat. In class, students will learn a series of self-defense, traditional forms, and striking techniques. Each student starts at white belt and will be tested and evaluated every 3-6 months up to Black Belt. Our mission is to help our students and their families become the best versions of themselves through martial arts, physically, mentally, spiritually, and with good character.

Intermediate Belts

age 14+

Teen/adult martial arts

The Teens and Adults Program is for students age 14+ and older. In class, students will learn a series of self-defense, traditional forms, and striking techniques. We focus on fitness, mobility, and flexibility all while having fun and making new friends. Each student starts at white belt and will be tested and evaluated every 3-6 months up to Black Belt. 

Yellow Belt Adult Class
Teen and Adult Class!
Martial Arts Class

Take advantage of our LIMITED TIME promotion!

*Class times shared on the next page

Black belts

Black Belt classes are offered every week. We cover Tae Kwon Do basics, advanced kicking and punching, MMA, open hand techniques, weapons, and traditional forms. Black Belt classes are for serious martial artists who want to train to be great and broaden the mastery of their basics.  Our Black Belts go through years of training and candidate boot camps before they test. As Infinity Martial Arts Black Belts, we value honor, loyalty, and having good character.

Black Belts!
Elite Team

join our family

We are accepting new members at this time! Please fill out our new member inquiry form to be added to our queue. We will reach out to you within a few days.

Group photo
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